1. The gospel- i cant imagine my life without it. It helps me in every aspect and moment of my life, the calm assurance that i know i have a Heavenly Father who loves me so much means everything.
2. My Family- My family is so all over the place right now. i am so grateful i am part of a wonderful family that is so close. i love them all so much and i know they care about me and want the best for me. I dont know what i would do without them, and i am so so grateful for the added member of my family Jane, she has truely become a sister to me and my family loves her. Sorry jane you are stuck with us for life now.
3. Temples- How great is it that we have such a holy place here on earth we can go and feel the peace and love of our Heavenly Father, and receive such amazing, wonderful, great blessings!
4. Education- I really am grateful for this. hahaha even though i have a ton of homework as i type this, i am grateful for education and the oppurtunity we have to learn and keep learning. I also am so grateful for the major i am studying, Public Relations, it is perfect for me and i love learning everything i can about it.
5. Food- I love food so much and am so happy we have it. i dont know if there is much else i can say about this, but food is so good!!!!!!!
6. Friends- What would we do without them. I like to think that Heavenly Father knew He couldn't make humungous families for everyone so He let us have friends. i love my friends they are the best around no matter where they are in the world! They are a little quirky and crazy sometimes but i would never change them for anything.
7. The Nature- Our earth is sooo beautiful, everywhere we look there is an amazing scene, if its a beautiful sunset, or a snow covered mountain, its everywhere and it is just for us. I am so happy Heavenly Father decided to make it so beautiful for us, it really amazes me and surprises me everyday when i look at all the beauty around me.
8. Trials- I always think this is something weird to be grateful for, but never the less i am so grateful for them. I've had some trials in my life life lately and although they seem to be so hard when going through them and sometimes im sure we all feel like this, like im going to die, they always and i keep telling myself this, always teach me something and make me stronger. I also have learned that during trials my testimony is always strengthen and i feel the love of my Heavenly Father stronger and stronger.
9. Laughter- The one advice I remember my stake president gave me before i left on my mission, was to laugh and to laugh a lot. I have taken this to heart. Probably some of the best advice i have ever received. Laughing is great and i am so glad i get to do it all the time.
10. Music- If you know me you know how obsessed i am with music. i have to be listening to it constantly! Music seems to always have exactly what i need, i happy tune to make me smile, or a sad song that knows exactly how i feel. Also you know i love dancing and how could i do that without lovely music. BLEEE i am SO SO SO grateful for music!!!!
Thanksgiving day was wonderful woke up to a yummy breakfast, and pretty much didn't stop eating after that. We took the day easy with some movies, putting up the christmas tree and went exploring out by the lake. It was so great to be with family even if it was just part of it, im so glad Auntie Annett and cousin David could join us, Thanksgiving just wouldn't be the same with out them. Thanksgiving dinner was amazing with the regular food, yams, salad, ect, plus and added bonus of shrimp, roast beef, and chicken. Delish! after eating so much food, we rolled on to the couches and watch some more movies and fell asleep. YAY for thanks giving!!
s laskou,

David didnt believe i could carry him across the puddle.... proven wrong!

Jane is a real american now!